Wednesday, June 13, 2012

On the Sea Wall

I've recently decided that my absolute favourite part about living in Vancouver is the sea wall.  I'm going to try to start making personal posts once a week about something that has happened on my sea wall adventures.  I was looking through pictures from my time here and there was one day in particular that has inspired me to start this. Em and Nat are two friends that I have become close with since I moved here although Em has since left us to return to Ontario #sadface... we still love her and miss her everyday.
So one day, the week that Em was leaving, we decided to head for a sea wall walk.  We ended up spending some time at sunset beach, mostly being the chatty cathys that we are.  Then, two young couples asked me to take a picture of them sitting together on one of the logs.  I took it and then decided they could return the favour...although let's be honest none of us were looking our finest...  Afterwards the couple asked if we wanted the kite they had been flying...UM YES.  Moments before this Nat had just been doing this whiney thing she does (that we have grown to love of course) about never flying a kite before.  Being the photogenic ladies we are we decide to have a kite shoot on the beach. We took some goofy photos by the water which I am more than excited to share. 

In her kite flying glory...

he retired a champion!!

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